Here’s that same catch, slowed down Using a DJI Phantom-series quadcopter as the prey, Michigan Tech’s octocopter fired a net, ensnaring the smaller drone and then holding it captive below. The net-gun has a range of up to 40 feet, and can carry its prisoner to a waiting team on the ground. There, they can investigate the machine without worrying about it getting lost or destroyed in the process. The drone-catcher is piloted by either a human on the ground or an autonomous control system, or a combination. Here’s what the capture looks like from the Phantom’s camera: The Drone-Catcher project was headed by So Rastgaar, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Michigan Technological University. He told Michigan Tech News that “It’s like robotic falconry,” and that’s not a bad description. Only unlike using falcons to attack drones, there’s very little risk of bodily harm for the capturing drone. Watch the full sequence below: [Via Gizmodo]