The report raises some serious safety concerns over the rocket and spacecraft that will send NASA astronauts to Mars. The report also says that NASA’s overall plan to get to Mars is too vague. Part of the problem, as the report points out, is political uncertainty. NASA scientists spent years during the Bush administration planning the Constellation program—a plan to send humans back to the moon and then on to Mars–which mostly got scrapped when President Obama took office. With another election year coming up, NASA officials may be reluctant to enter into any major projects. However, by not spelling out a clearly defined plan for getting to Mars, the space agency could be putting the Journey to Mars program at risk. We should also consider going back to the moon before Mars, according to the report. Everyone and their brother is taking aim at the moon these days—from the European Space Agency to Russia and private companies. Plus, says the report, it is “unclear how NASA will develop low-gravity surface experience and technology without lunar surface experience.” It makes sense that we should learn to live on the moon before going all the way to the red planet. But it would also come at an added cost to the already cash-strapped space agency. And it will probably require an Administration change; President Obama’s attitude toward human exploration of the moon is basically “been there, done that.” Finally, it looks like NASA may have to choose between maintaining the International Space Station and getting to Mars. America’s space agency has some tough choices ahead. NASA is often praised for doing so much on such a relatively small budget, but lately it seems the agency is spreading itself too thin. Sometimes, less is more.