Few things provide the same kind of catharsis found when smashing through a wall or laying waste to some damaged cabinets. While the research is still out on whether or not smashing stuff really provides any clinically therapeutic effect, it’s an undeniable blast. If you want to maximize your destruction, you’re going to need the right tools. This collection of implements is ready to inflict damage as swiftly and brutally as possible. But, it’s not all about smash-and-bash. The right demo tools allow for precision because swinging a sledgehammer through a water pipe or guiding a reciprocating saw through an electrical cable will end the fun in a hurry. So, next time you need to tear apart a room (or many rooms), reach for these tools. Not only will they inflict punishment on whatever you need to demo, but they’ll protect your body along the way. Just be sure to bring your own safety goggles.